Resource Library

The National Center for Youth Law shares its learning and experience to assist people in our efforts to support and empower youth. Browse our research and resources.

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Title of report is displayed below an artistic representation of a child separated from a loved one

A New Way Forward: What Congress Must Do to Protect the Dignity, Health, and Safety of Children in Immigration Custody

“Modernizing the immigration system’s care and treatment of children, to reflect child welfare principles, is long overdue,” said Congresswoman Karen...
Title of report is displayed above a picture of a young child blowing dried seeds of a dandelion. Logos of authoring organizations display below the photo

Meeting the Moment: Improving EPSDT Implementation in California to Address Growing Mental Health Needs

Envisioned by the California Children’s Trust (CCT), and written by the National Center for Youth Law (NCYL) and the National Health Law Program...
Report cover with photo of the back of the head of five people sitting on a park bench

Building Bridges: How Los Angeles County Came Together to Support Children and Youth Impacted by Commercial Sexual Exploitation

Produced in partnership with Los Angeles County, “Building Bridges: How Los Angeles County Came Together to Support Children and Youth Impacted by...
Title of report and authors are displayed below a photo of a young person looking sitting on public transit looking out the window

The High Cost of “Justice”: A Snapshot of Juvenile Court Fines and Fees in Michigan

When youth in Michigan enter the juvenile justice system, they face consequences such as probation oversight and out of home confinement for months or...
Report cover with photo of student with head on their desk

Police in Schools: A Background Paper

This paper is intended to be a background tool on the issue of police in schools, from NCYL's Education Civil Rights Alliance and the American...
Drawing of an open book

Recommendations to improve out of home care from youth who have experienced commercial sexual exploitation

Identifying safe and stable housing is of critical importance for the prevention of commercial sexual exploitation (CSE) among children and youth...
Drawing of an open book

Using Data to Improve Outcomes for Children and Youth Impacted by Commercial Sexual Exploitation: Recommendations of the CSEC Action Team, Data and Outcomes Workgroup

Final recommendations of the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC) Action Team’s workgroup on Data and Outcomes to California Department...