Resource Library

The National Center for Youth Law shares its learning and experience to assist people in our efforts to support and empower youth. Browse our research and resources.

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Report cover with title and authors. Teal and white color blocks

Research to Action Brief: Translating Research to Policy and Practice to Support Youth Impacted by Commercial Sexual Exploitation (CSE)

The CSE Research to Action Brief: Translating Research to Policy and Practice to Support Youth Impacted by Commercial Sexual Exploitation (CSE) is an...
drawing of hand touching a tablet screen

A Trauma-Informed Approach for Newcomer Immigrant Youth

This webinar presents a trauma-informed approach to judicial decision-making so that all professionals involved in the system may better understand...
Report cover with title and picture from behind of two young girls sitting on the ground

Child Welfare & Unaccompanied Children in Federal Immigration Custody - A Data and Research Based Guide for Federal Policy Makers

This congressional report summarizes new data analysis, child welfare research, and two decades of lessons learned from implementing the Flores...
An image of the first page of the bench card

A Trauma-Informed Approach to Judicial Decision-Making for Newcomer Immigrant Youth in Juvenile Justice Proceedings: Benchcard for Juvenile Court Judges

This benchcard for juvenile court judges presents a trauma-informed approach to judicial decision-making for newcomer immigrant youth in juvenile...
Report cover includes title and photo of several young students lined up

Senate Bill 439 (2018) Implementation Guide

In 2018, Governor Brown signed Senate Bill 439 (Senator Holly J. Mitchell) into law. SB 439 established a minimum age of juvenile court jurisdiction...
Report cover with title and authors. Graphic with triangles in different shades of blue

Strengthening Child Welfare Practice for Immigrant Children & Families: A Toolkit for Child Welfare Professionals in California

Immigrant children and families in the child welfare system face unique barriers to permanency and well-being. In some cases, their involvement in the...
Report cover with title and photo of a multi-generational familly

Antelope Valley Community Resource Guide

The National Center for Youth Law (NCYL) has compiled a Community Resource Guide of available programming and services for young people in the...