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Federal Court Ruling Strikes Down Government Regulations Aimed at Terminating Flores

Today, Federal District Court Judge Gee heard oral arguments and issued a strongly worded opinion upholding the Flores Settlement Agreement and blocking the government from implementing its new DHS and HHS regulations.

The purpose of the Flores Settlement Agreement is clear – minimize the use of detention and ensure the humane and appropriate treatment of children who are in government custody. The court found that “throughout several presidential administrations, the Agreement has been necessary, relevant, and critical to the public interest in maintaining standards for the detention and release of minors arriving at the United States’ borders.” The opinion further held “The New Regulations… not only do not implement the Flores Agreement, they intentionally subvert it.”

The continuation of the Flores Settlement Agreement is a huge victory for immigrant children. We expect the Administration will appeal today’s decision and continue its relentless campaign to abolish basic protections for immigrant children and detain them without appropriate oversight.

We will continue to advocate for the safety and welfare of immigrant children in federal immigration custody and ensure that the government follows the terms of the Flores Settlement Agreement.