Success and Impact

Eureka City Schools Agree To Increase Inclusiveness, And Ensure Fair Discipline

NCYL and the ACLU reached a settlement agreement with the Eureka City Schools that resolves a lawsuit filed last year.   Under the agreement, the district will implement a community-wide collaborative process aimed at cultivating a positive and inclusive school climate where all students feel welcome and safe.

The lawsuit alleged discrimination against Native American and Black students and accused administrators of failing to stop ongoing racial and sexual harassment. Under the settlement agreement, the school district agreed to establish goals for enhancing multi-cultural curricula, providing students with disabilities appropriate accommodations and services, and reducing race and disability based disparities in discipline and transfers to alternative schools.  The district also will also contract with an Oregon-based research group to conduct a district-wide assessment of the school climate, with a particular focus on any issues related to racial/gender equity and student discipline.  The research group will issue a final assessment report by June 1, 2015, which may include recommendations about changes to policies and practices to improve school climate.  Within 90 days after accepting the report, the Board of Trustees will review and accept for approval the recommendations and develop an implementation plan, which will describe how the recommendations will be implemented.

NCYL attorneys Michael Harris and Hannah Benton worked on this case.