Mae Ackerman-Brimberg

Mae Ackerman-Brimberg is a Directing Attorney for the National Center for Youth Law’s Collaborative Responses to Commercial Sexual Exploitation Initiative. Mae works to change policies, laws, and practices to better identify children and youth who have experienced commercial sexual exploitation, and facilitate multi-disciplinary collaborations to support them to heal, meet their self-identified goals, and live full, healthy lives.
With a background in law and social work, Mae has more than 15 years of experience seeking to transform the child welfare, juvenile justice, and prison systems, address discrimination leading to disproportionate impacts on people of color and those with disabilities, and improve supports for children, families, and communities affected by those systems. She also has direct service experience working with youth and families who were involved with systems. Mae served as a judicial law clerk in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York. She received her bachelor's degree in political science from Stanford University, and a dual master's in social work and law degree from Columbia University.
She loves cooking, crafting, moving her body, doing anything outdoors, and hiking and camping with her partner, daughters Vera and Desi, and wily pup Goose.