Joanne Rodriguez

Senior Program Manager, Compassionate Education Systems
Portrait photograph of Joanne Rodriguez

Joanne Rodriguez is the Senior Program Manager with the Compassionate Education team leading their initiative in Antelope Valley. Joanne supports team's Education Liaisons and provides technical assistance for school district partners to support equitable practices for system involved youth. She is dedicated to serving youth through a trauma informed approach with compassion and advocacy and aims to help young people build skills, self efficacy, understand their rights, and ultimately graduate high school to accomplish the goals that are meaningful to them. Joanne describes the most rewarding aspect of her role as the moment when students believe they can be successful in all aspects of their lives; when they see in themselves, what she has seen in them all along. 

Joanne earned her master's degree in Education with a Pupil Personnel Services Credential in School Counseling. She joined the National Center for Youth Law in 2018 as an Education Liaison where she partnered directly with youth to provide support and resources centered around education, mental health, and basic needs. 

Joanne has lived in the Antelope Valley since 2009. She enjoys working with the community where she lives. When she is not working, Joanne enjoys spending time with her family. She loves camping and being outdoors, especially anywhere close to water.