Faith Fabiani

Faith Fabiani serves as a member of the CSEC Action Team Advisory Board and works at WestCoast Children's Clinic as a CSEC training specialist, offering in-depth training and support to service providers who work directly with youth. She is also the creator of the "In Our Shoes" project, which aims to uplift voices in underserved communities so that providers may better serve them. Faith attributes her ability to connect with communities to her past experiences as a survivor of sexual and physical trauma, homelessness, exploitation and incarceration.
Faith began working as a rape crisis counselor at San Francisco's Women Against Rape in 2012 and obtained state certifications to become a community health worker, post-prison health worker, and sexual health educator. After earning an associate degree in public health at San Francisco Community College, she continued her studies at San Francisco State University, where she is currently earning her bachelor's degree. While Faith's academic credentials have helped bolster her impact, she attributes much of her success to her lived experience and her ability to articulate those experiences and perspectives to community members and professionals in the field.
Faith remains dedicated to bringing realistic solutions to underserved communities by exposing systems that perpetuate social inequities. Above all, she hopes to help facilitate human connection and empathy as a person who has not only experienced trauma, but has overcome it despite the odds being stacked against her.