Success and Impact

MILPA Collective Makes Change In Its Community — With Proud Support From NCYL

Street art showing warriors of different cultures

In addition to its direct legal and policy work, the National Center for Youth Law also delivers on its promise to amplify youth power by helping to train and develop local leaders and community organizations so they are empowered with the tools to make change in their communities.

An example of this advocacy is seen in NCYL’s support of the MILPA Collective, a Monterey County-based nonprofit led by formerly incarcerated and system-impacted individuals who are committed to implementing reforms that center cultural healing and racial equity.

Centering Community in Policy Advocacy

NCYL has partnered with MILPA on multiple projects aimed at improving outcomes for youth impacted by the justice system.

This includes the development of a resource guide aimed at helping youth, schools and others better understand the impacts of California Senate Bill 203, a law that went into effect in 2021 that mandates that all youths younger than 18 must consult with an attorney prior to a custodial interrogation or waiver of Miranda rights.

NCYL proudly partnered with MILPA to prepare educational materials to ensure that community members are aware of these critical protections.

NCYL also supported MILPA in the development of a communications campaign calling for more appropriate budget allocations in Monterey County, California. Informational resources included breakdowns detailing how the county allocated significantly more funding for harmful systems, including law enforcement, than community supports. Resources also offered templates for community members to use to demand change from their leaders.

Organizations like MILPA highlight the importance of community connection. Despite their lived experiences often being portrayed in a negative light, those very experiences provide them unique insight and expertise that should be at the center of policy advocacy and reform.  NCYL is proud to support MILPA’s efforts to improve the health and wellbeing of its community.